Since Rob died, I've had bad days, average days and even a few good days. Sometimes though, it seems as if the pain will get worse before it gets better, and that's a phenomenon that's hard for me to comprehend. Logically, you'd think that it would get better over time (having said that, it's only been five weeks, and that's a very short period of time - even though it feels like several eternities). Instead though, the pain seems more acute now than it was initially. I suppose that's because of being numb with shock when he actually died?
I'm reading "Grieving Mindfully"
There have been (many) days when I just want to fast-forward a good six months, a year perhaps, just to get over this initial pain. But, as I keep discovering, that wouldn't help me in the long run - I'd simply be avoiding or running away from the feelings and they'd just hit me all the more when I stopped running. I've got another appointment with my grief counsellor too - and that also helps a great deal.
On a somewhat lighter note (because there's only so many tears I can shed at the hospital business centre without attracting a lot of attention....), I have absolutely no idea what to do with Rob's ashes. I did the stupid thing, of course....that being, I opened the box and looked at the two (previously mentioned) Ziploc baggies. Then, in a fit of stupidity that defies logic, I actually took out the baggies and held 'em in my hands. Man, it really does hit you f'cking hard. Needless to say I only did that the once. And needless to say, I really do NOT recommend such an action! Anyway, I'm really not sure what to do with the box, so I went online and had a peek around to get some ideas.
Oh. My. God.
I can make Rob into a necklace here
Or buy one of these (somewhat tacky) velvet thingies here
Or perhaps have 'em made into a fireworks display here
Or even make an underwater reef!
Then there's the balloon option - but Rob was afraid of flying, so we'll nix this one right now
Spaceflight is somewhat more unique, but the fear of flying thing also applies...I think....
Of course, I could just let him sit where he's sitting right now (in the middle of our chess board, which is oddly fitting for a number of reasons!).
I've got another few journal entries in my head, but I need to go get some coffee.
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