Thursday, March 20, 2008

22 Jan, 2008. Sue happy?

You post one - one! - innocent inquiry on a message board, being naive enough to include an email address and WHAM you are literally bombarded with eleventythirtytwelvezillion offers of representation for your "upcoming/potential medical malpractice suit"!

I mean shit.

Today is four weeks since Rob died...goddammit, that's a hard word to type. I've never been one for euphemisms, but "passed" seems much easier for me to deal with at the moment. Anyway, it's looking more and more like the Toradol was indeed the aggravating factor in the event(s) leading up to Rob's death; basically he should never have been given the drug at all. It did lead to acute renal failure, but as he had comorbidities (a horrible, horrible term if there was ever a horrible term to end all horrible terms), and there was no autopsy (a thing about which I'm still confused even to this day*), it seems to be a case of "we'll never know for sure".

The irony here - or one of 'em at least - is that we'd planned for me to become a paralegal (if not go on to law school) at some point in the future, perhaps when my own health issues had been resolved, and that my least favourite specialty was personal injury law. In particular, those cases which specialized in suing drug companies for injuries relating to known side-effects, etc etc etc....

And now here we are.

Oh, the irony!

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