Thursday, March 20, 2008

22 Feb, 2008

'm sorry, but I love talking about Rob.

(You can tell who had an appointment with the bereavement counsellor, can't you? ;) )

I love talking about what he liked, disliked, how he was, the memories we had together, and all of the things you'd expect. But I've recently been made aware that I talk about him too much (online).

Frankly, I hadn't thought such a thing would be possible, given the circumstances. My initial thought was "oh for crying out loud, shut the feck up. Don't *read* it if you're "sick of the unhealthy way" I constantly refer to Rob. Then it made me wonder...exactly what does "talking about someone too much" constitute?

Is one reference in a paragraph ok? Does two push it over to "unacceptable"?


I'm going to get more coffee.

(Before I start talking about Pigbit - who is part pig, part rabbit, and one of my favourite "childrens" - MooMoo (a big green and white cow), Lil Mr White Fluffalo (look, we live in North Dakota. Lotsa buffalo. LMWF is a little, white buffalo...) and Lil Mr Brown Fluffalo (shockingly enough, LMBF is like LMWF, but brown, originality not being my strongest point!).


Does anyone have any drawing capability? I'm trying to find someone who can draw something for me.... a cartoon-ish woman with wild hair, with what would appear to be luminous pink breast implants instead of eyelids. There IS method behind this madness, I promise....

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