Friday, April 18, 2008

I really should be in bed, tucked up with Pigbit!

I can't wait to scan in your baby photographs. You were such a beautiful baby! What with your blonde (!) spiky hair, your huge brown eyes - "gorgeous" is an understatement, Wombat.

This week has been crazy. Greg and I have come to a very fair settlement, and I'll actually be solvent as of tomorrow. It's something which both thrills and terrifies me - you know why, too. We'd made an agreement before, and it fell through - but this time I think it's different. As well as relief, there'll be a lot of pain, I know. This is something I wanted to share with you; it was meant to help us in our life, not just me.

Since you died, sweetheart, my life has changed so dramatically.

Ok, I can't seem to stop the tears tonight....but they're not just tears of sadness. I'm experiencing joy, because I have these beautiful memories of you, and of us....and I now have, through those photos, more of the pieces from your childhood. It's a wonderful gift, you know?

Goodnight, love. Yes, I've got PigBit with me...and I'm being very careful to make sure he doesn't cry!

(I've also got your underwear..your "knickers", in my purse. They comfort me. They're...well, they just remind me of you....)

More later.

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